Water Supply of Jegunovce Municipality - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Water Supply of Jegunovce Municipality PDF Print E-mail

Numerous villages in the Republic of Macedonia are still facing a lack of quality drinking water in sufficient quantities. The reason is mainly the bacteriological contamination of the water, insufficient capacity (particularly from June to September) and lack of good model for management and maintenance of the waterworks.

ВОЈThe municipality of Jegunovce is a rural municipality located in the north-western part of Macedonia. Today, the municipality of Jegunovce is comprised of two former municipalities: Jegunovce and Vratnica, with 10,790 residents. Most of the villages of the former municipality of Jegunovce have their own local waterworks, but due to the bad maintenance, bad water quality and the technical difficulties some of them still have problems with the water supply.

At the beginning of 2007, the Association of Norwegian Municipalities (KS) with local support of the Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation started a project on developing a comprehensive sector plan on water supply of 12 villages in the former municipality of Jegunovce and Ozormište village in the municipality of Želino. Within the previous program on Water Supply and Sanitation of Communities (VSZ), MCIC had consultations and negotiations with NCA and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the model for further realization of this program. Based on this, it was agreed KS in partnership with MCIC to take over full responsibility for realization of the program on water supply in Jegunovce municipality, and NCA to withdraw from the further realization.

The overall objective of the project is to improve the rural infrastructure of water supply and to improve the health of people and to create conditions for economic activities in the communities.

The project purpose is to provide access to sufficient quantities of drinking water for the communities in Jegunovce village. The focus will be on improving the water supply in 11 villages from the former Jegunovce municipality and Ozormište village in the municipality of Želino.

The expected results are the following:

  • Functional water supply systems are built
  • Enhanced capacity of the municipal communal enterprise Jegunovce for management and maintenance of the waterworks
  • Increased public awareness for individual connections and billing the used water from the new waterworks.

The project activities will include:

  • preparation of technical documentation for construction of water supply systems and necessary wells;
  • construction of functional water supply;
  • capacity building of municipal communal enterprise Jegunovce;
  • public awareness campaign on establishment of individual connections and payment for the used water.
The target group is comprised of the residents of 11 villages from Jegunovce municipality (all villages of the former municipality of Jegunovce) and Ozormište village in the municipality of Želino, which due to its geographical location will be connected to the regional water supply network of Jegunovce. Direct beneficiaries of the program are 8,446 residents from 1,962 families from 12 villages. Besides the local population, direct beneficiary is also the municipal communal enterprise – Jegunovce.

The target area covers the territory of Jegunovce municipality, with focus on the villages of the former municipality of Jegunovce.

MCIC in close cooperation with KS is responsible for the project implementation and decision making. Active participation will be required from the representatives from the Municipality of Jegunovce, the municipal communal enterprise and the local neighbourhood unit.

Implementation period: October 2007 – December 2008.

Budget: 625,000 EUR (38,250,000 MKD). The funding is donation from the Association of Norwegian Municipalities (KS) (www.ks.no) provided from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.



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