About Research and Publications - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

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One of the MCIC’ method of work is advocacy, understood as mutual intertwining and support of several activities: raising awareness and education, influence on the public policies and monitoring and requesting accountability.

Research is one of the principal process which connects the previous activities. MCIC should exert influence and lobby for solution to issues of broader societal interest. Moreover, it should focus on confirmed and verified data which are often acquired by means of research. Debates can be argument-based in a proper fashion only if they are based on evidence.

MCIC conducts its research by means of its own resources or by inclusion of external associates in form of primary or secondary research. Depending on the subject, the research use various instruments: questionnaires, in-depth interviews, contents analysis, case studies, statistical analyses, etc.

MCIC publishes its research. Besides research, MCIC also publishes many other publications, predominantly related to the main topics in which it is active.

Publications results in making information available to wider group of people, on different topics. This is yet another means for facilitating argument-based and informed debate on important societal issues.

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