Indicators (PCM/Indicators) |
Indicators are management tools that have an important part in planning, monitoring and evaluation of projects. Indicators are widely used for managing projects. The right choice and formulation of indicators is important for planning the intervention itself, as well as for designing the monitoring system with the aim of informing the management as regards the intervention progress. The indicators for planning, monitoring and evaluation have slightly different goals that, on the other hand, can lead to significant confusion if the terms used are not properly defined.
What are indicators? They are variables the goal of which is to measure the change in events or processes. The variables are factors that can change in quantity, quality or size, and which must be taken into account when the situation is considered as a whole.
- Concepts and indicators in the every day life;
- Context analysis through indicators;
- Indicators for organizational analysis;
- Planning and SMART indicators;
- Indicators for monitoring and evaluation;
- SPICED indicators for measuring the influence.