Conflict resolution - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Conflict resolution PDF Print E-mail

Conflict resolutionConflicts are an inevitable part of our every day life. They are an integral part of relations between people, and even between those that mean the world to each other.

People tend to see conflicts only as something very bad, negative, something that should be avoided. But what the outcome of a conflict will be and whether it will necessarily make relations between people worse, depends on how we approach its resolution. MCIC conflict resolution training offers an opportunity to improve your skills and abilities in this area, to become sensitive as regards cultural differences and capable to overcome them in communication and conflict resolution, to become sensitive as regards the possible communication barriers (obstacles), able to reformulate conflicts and negotiate, to become familiar with the concept of mediation and able to implement the mediation techniques.


  • The concept of conflicts;
  • Strategies for their resolution;
  • Competitive and collaborative negotiation;
  • Styles in conflict resolution;
  • Communication in conflicts;
  • Empathy;
  • Negotiation;
  • Elements of negotiation;
  • Styles in negotiation.

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