Consultations - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

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Consultations are advisory services which assist the management of one organization in improving the efficiency of its operations, strategy, processes, operations and decision-making, through needs assessment and assisting in revision of functions, plans and directions.

Notwithstanding the organizational context, consultations are delivered as advisory services and/or assisting in a process, in which several sides may be involved (organizations, institutions), out of which a solution to a problem, project, analysis or strategy will be found.

The consultations are led in accordance with the MCIC’ approaches, which are presented in the specific trainings. The selection of methodology is defined in communication with the procuring body and determined in accordance with the terms of reference, in order for the consultation to best fit the questions and requirements of the procuring body.

Particular attention MCIC puts on inclusion of all stakeholders in order to secure sense of ownership over the final product as well as to acquire increase dedication in the process of implementation of the consultations.

MCIC conducts consultation through:

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