Facilitation of events - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

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The facilitation of events foresees provision of a consultant who, on the basis of the prepared agenda, facilitates discussion, problem solution and provides conclusions. During this process, the concept of participatory group decision making is applied. It foresees comprehensive inclusion, mutual understanding, solutions which include the interests of all stakeholders and there is shared responsibility among the stakeholders. MCIC facilitator has the role of supporter to the participants in the discussion, by securing argumentation and productive debate. It also strives to lead the participants to agreeing upon common and acceptable solutions.

Depending on the request from the procuring body, the facilitation of events may include preparation of a report or minutes, as well as organizational/logistics support for the preparation of the event.

MCIC conducts facilitation of several different types of events, including workshops, round tables, public debates, forums, conferences, etc.

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