Process facilitation/managing - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

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Process facilitation foresees engagement of experienced consultant in order for him/her to lead/guide a certain process which is implemented on organizational or institutional level. Herein management through strategic planning is included as well as annual planning, identification mission, formulation mission, introduction or revision of organizational systems and procedures, etc.

The process facilitation which is provided by MCIC, despite being focused on producing final product with participation of all stakeholders, is aimed at organizational learning as well, enabling the stakeholders to adopt new approach in their operations. Therefore, process facilitation often takes form of mentorship. The consultations are supported by manuals, materials with practical examples (best practices) and comparative studies.

The final results may have the form of: strategic plans, organizational capacities’ development plans, action plans, project proposals and programs, rulebooks and manuals, etc.

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