Evaluations and analyses - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

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Owing to excellent knowledge of specific methodologies and long practical experience, MCIC team of consultants performs various evaluations and analyses on institutional, sector, organizational and project level.

Here as well MCIC strives to apply the participatory methodologies which enable collection and argumentation of the stances of the stakeholders: questionnaires, structured interviews, collection and analysis of relevant literature, workshops, etc.

The entire process of evaluation and analysis is organized in such a manner which provides positive feedback and encourages organizational learning and development of all involved stakeholders.

The ultimate result is prepared in two phases: draft which is discussed with the procuring body and the stakeholders, after which on the basis of the received remarks a final report is produced.

MCIC conducts organizational capacity evaluations, project and program evaluations, action and strategic plans, capacity evaluations on sector level, context and legal environment analysis as well as other analysis, depending on needs.

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