Corruption and Organized Crime Threat Monitoring Report - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Corruption and Organized Crime Threat Monitoring Report PDF Print E-mail

Author: Emilija Tudzarovska-Gjorgjievska
Collaborators: Ruslan Stefanov and Todor Yalamov
Date: 2015
ISBN 978-608-4681-35-9

PDF:  corruption-and-organized-crime-threat-monitoring-report.pdf

izveshtaj za sledenje na rizici od korupcija i organiziran kriminalThe Corruption and Organized Crime Threat Monitoring Report is an overview of the state and dynamics of corruption and organized crime in the Republic of Macedonia. The basis of this report is the Corruption Monitoring System (CMS) developed by the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) from Bulgaria. The CMS relies on diverse sources of information and combines quantitative and qualitative methods for monitoring and the assessment of corruption and organized crime. The CMS has gained acknowledgement from the United Nations (UN) as a best practice system for monitoring corruption at the national level.

The report is divided into seven chapters and it provides an overview of the legal and institutional framework for the fight against corruption and organized crime in the country, provides an overview of the macroeconomic situation and the emergence of the link between corruption and organized crime, risk assessment of threats and corruption of organized crime, as well as levels of connection between these two phenomena: infiltration (general) in the political arena, infiltration in the government (elected officials), infiltration in public administration and institutions, bribery etc. Through these levels indirect critical review of corruption in politics is offered, but also to other areas and levels of government such as the judiciary; administration, police and customs. The last section deals with the private sector and corruption with a general review and review of public procurement, money laundering and VAT fraud.

The Report is prepared by Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC) and team of experts from Center for the study of democracy (CSD) from Bulgaria.

The Report is part of the project “Augmenting demand for anti-corruption and organized crime”, funded by the EU, under the National program for temporary support and institutional capacities building, (IPA) 2009.

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