Creation of Famework for Policy Making - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Creation of Famework for Policy Making PDF Print E-mail

Some of the challenges that the Republic of Macedonia faces in the process of transition and integration in EU and NATO are in the area of good governance, i.e. it is necessary to reduce the corruption and organized crime, enhance the responsibility, accountability and transparency of the state. The involvement of citizens and civil society organizations in policy making requires two-fold activity: on the part of the government and on the part of the civil society organizations. It is necessary for the government to undertake all measures foreseen in the Strategy for Cooperation of the Government with the Civil Sector, such as participation of citizens in policy making, but it is of equal importance for the civil society organizations to be empowered for advocacy and lobbying of their own interests so they could be translated into official state policies.

Overall objective of the project is increased responsibility of institutions, civil society organizations and citizens.

Project purpose is to contribute for increased participation of civil society organizations in policy making on national level.

Target group is comprised of civil society organizations and state administration bodies. Direct beneficiaries are the member organizations of the Civic Platform of Macedonia and the Unit for cooperation with NGOs. The target area is Republic of Macedonia and the project will be realized in Skopje.

Expected results of the project are:

  1. Draft mechanism for participation of civil society organizations in policy making
  2. Manual on participation of civil society organizations in policy making

In order to achieve the planned results the following activities will be undertaken:

  • Memorandum of Cooperation between the Unit for Cooperation with NGOs and MCIC
    Because the Unit for cooperation with NGOs is primarily responsible for coordination of activities set out in the Strategy, the proposal is the Unit to have primary role in implementing the project. Therefore, a Memorandum of Cooperation will be signed in order to ensure commitment of the Unit i.e. Government on this issue.
  • Development of draft framework (mechanism)
    An expert selected by MCIC will prepare draft framework including the contemporary and comprehensive mechanisms for participation of civil society organizations in the consultation processes during the policy making, but also for participation in the working bodies and groups with longer advisory character (such as the economic and legal councils in the Government).
  • Consultations on drafting the mechanism
    The draft framework for participation in policy making will be monitored by a working group of the project and four public debates will be organized, two of which for the organizations outside of Skopje. The harmonized document through the Unit for cooperation with NGOs will be submitted to the responsible bodies for further processing and harmonization within the Government. 
  • Preparation of Manual
    A local expert will be hired to prepare a Manual on Policy Making. The manual will be for the civil society organizations and should be a useful tool for easier access to the responsible institutions and in the decision making processes. Electronic versions in Macedonian and Albanian language will be prepared.

The circulation will be 400 copies.

The implementation period is July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010.

The assumptions affecting the realization of project results are: the Government, through the Unit is interest and committed for implementation of the Strategy and realization of the objective referring to participation of civil society organizations in policy making; the proposed mechanism reflects the requests of the civil society organizations and is in compliance with the existing legal system of the Republic of Macedonia, i.e. it is applicable. Civil society organizations are aware of the need to deepen their knowledge and master their skills for participation in the policy making.

The activities will be implemented in coordination with the Unit for cooperation with NGOs. The planned events will be appropriately and timely promoted to the civil society organizations and the public.

MCIC is consultation with the Unit for cooperation with NGOs will be responsible for the decision making and project implementation.

Possible risk is the delay in signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation with the Unit as a result of internal administrative procedures in the General Secretariat. The implementation period may correspond with the implementation of the announced project on technical assistance to the Unit with IPA 2007, which may decrease the interest of the Unit for the foreseen activities in this project.

The budget amounts to MKD 466,900.

Some of the challenges that the Republic of Macedonia faces in the process of transition and integration in EU and NATO are in the area of good governance, i.e. it is necessary to reduce the corruption and organized crime, enhance the responsibility, accountability and transparency of the state. The involvement of citizens and civil society organizations in policy making requires two-fold activity: on the part of the government and on the part of the civil society organizations. It is necessary for the government to undertake all measures foreseen in the Strategy for Cooperation of the Government with the Civil Sector, such as participation of citizens in policy making, but it is of equal importance for the civil society organizations to be empowered for advocacy and lobbying of their own interests so they could be translated into official state policies.

Overall objective of the project is increased responsibility of institutions, civil society organizations and citizens.

Project purpose is to contribute for increased participation of civil society organizations in policy making on national level.

Target group is comprised of civil society organizations and state administration bodies. Direct beneficiaries are the member organizations of the Civic Platform of Macedonia and the Unit for cooperation with NGOs. The target area is Republic of Macedonia and the project will be realized in Skopje.

Expected results of the project are:
1.    Draft mechanism for participation of civil society organizations in policy making
2.    Manual on participation of civil society organizations in policy making

In order to achieve the planned results the following activities will be undertaken:

-    Memorandum of Cooperation between the Unit for Cooperation with NGOs and MCIC
Because the Unit for cooperation with NGOs is primarily responsible for coordination of activities set out in the Strategy, the proposal is the Unit to have primary role in implementing the project. Therefore, a Memorandum of Cooperation will be signed in order to ensure commitment of the Unit i.e. Government on this issue.

-    Development of draft framework (mechanism)
An expert selected by MCIC will prepare draft framework including the contemporary and comprehensive mechanisms for participation of civil society organizations in the consultation processes during the policy making, but also for participation in the working bodies and groups with longer advisory character (such as the economic and legal councils in the Government).

-    Consultations on drafting the mechanism
The draft framework for participation in policy making will be monitored by a working group of the project and four public debates will be organized, two of which for the organizations outside of Skopje. The harmonized document through the Unit for cooperation with NGOs will be submitted to the responsible bodies for further processing and harmonization within the Government.

-    Preparation of Manual
A local expert will be hired to prepare a Manual on Policy Making. The manual will be for the civil society organizations and should be a useful tool for easier access to the responsible institutions and in the decision making processes. Electronic versions in Macedonian and Albanian language will be prepared. The circulation will be 400 copies.

The implementation period is July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010.

The assumptions affecting the realization of project results are: the Government, through the Unit is interest and committed for implementation of the Strategy and realization of the objective referring to participation of civil society organizations in policy making; the proposed mechanism reflects the requests of the civil society organizations and is in compliance with the existing legal system of the Republic of Macedonia, i.e. it is applicable. Civil society organizations are aware of the need to deepen their knowledge and master their skills for participation in the policy making.

The activities will be implemented in coordination with the Unit for cooperation with NGOs. The planned events will be appropriately and timely promoted to the civil society organizations and the public.

MCIC is consultation with the Unit for cooperation with NGOs will be responsible for the decision making and project implementation.

Possible risk is the delay in signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation with the Unit as a result of internal administrative procedures in the General Secretariat. The implementation period may correspond with the implementation of the announced project on technical assistance to the Unit with IPA 2007, which may decrease the interest of the Unit for the foreseen activities in this project.

The budget amounts to MKD 466,900.
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