Integrated Project Cycle Management - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Integrated Project Cycle Management PDF Print E-mail

Integrated Project Cycle ManagementProject cycle management means managing and facilitating project or program portfolios adequately. Project or program portfolio management is complex because of the large number of interventions that are undertaken, as well as the large number of parties involved.

PCM is a combination of an approach, usage of different instruments, and connecting the approach and the instruments within the administrative procedures and systems of the organization.

The approach is focused on three main issues: creating and understanding the processes, concepts and criteria for making decisions; creating the feeling of ownership and dedication with the parties involved; as well as improving the learning capacity of the organization involved.

The main instrument is the Log Frame. The Log Frame not only provides a better formulation and evaluation of individual interventions, but it also provides effective monitoring and evaluation during implementation. The usage of this instrument can only increase the influence of every individual project, because they will be selected and connected to other interventions that our organization undertakes.

Well adjusted procedures and clear distribution of responsibilities between all parties concerned is a contribution towards a smooth progression of the project in every stage. This instrument is also used in the largest state institutions and development agencies where individual interventions can have a maximum influence only if they are perceived as being integrated together with the others. The use of administrative procedures as well as the instruments will only increase the effectiveness in communication between the parties concerned which, on the other hand, will lead to an increase in efficiency.


  • Project cycle management (PCM) – project cycle stages;
  • Identification and problem solving methodology – analysis of the goals and problems;
  • Choosing an intervention strategy and Log Frame (LF);
  • Identification of exterior factors vital for the project – Preconditions and Assumptions;
  • Defining the Indicators;
  • Resource allocation and budgeting;
  • Monitoring and evaluation.
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