Alliance Macedonia without Discrimination established - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

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Alliance Macedonia without Discrimination established PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 21 June 2009 10:04

The founding assembly of the alliance “Macedonia without Discrimination” was held on June 16, 2009.

Се основаше сојузот Македонија без дискриминација

Macedonia without Discrimination operated as informal alliance since March 2008. The decision on formalization of this alliance came as a result of the need for more structured action in the field of promotion of equal opportunities and protection against discrimination in the Republic of Macedonia. The goal of Macedonia without Discrimination is to contribute towards creating a fair society, without discrimination, where all people enjoy equal opportunities and benefit from the diversity.

The founders of the Alliance are: Association for Democratic Initiatives from Gostivar, El Hilal from Skopje, Macedonian Centre for Women’s Rights – Shelter Center Skopje, Macedonian Center for International Cooperation from Skopje, National Council of Women of Macedonia – SOZM Skopje, Polio Plus – Movement Against Handicap from Skopje, First Children’s Embassy in the World “Megjaši” from Skopje, Humanitarian and Voluntary Association of Roma “Mesečina” from Gostivar, HOPS – Options for Healthy Life from Skopje, Center for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution from Skopje and “Third Age University” from Skopje.

The composition of the assembly of the Macedonia without Discrimination Alliance was elected at the founding assembly. The members are the following representatives of the partner organizations: Lulzim Haziri, Duška Pehčevska, Savka Todorovska, Darko Kostovski, Mirjana Najčeska, Gordana Pirkoska – Zmijanac, Daniela Dabevska, Sašo Klekovski, Muhamed Toči, Behixhudin Shehapi and Zvonko Šavreski. The session of the founding assembly was chaired by Lulzim Haziri from ADI, Gostivar.

The founders adopted the Statute of the Alliance Macedonia without Discrimination. The Assembly adopted the draft programme and elected the members of the Steering and Supervisory Boards. The new Steering Board is comprised of: Lulzim Haziri, Savka Todorovska, Mirjana Najčeska, Gordana Pirkoska – Zmijanac, Aleksandar Kržalovski, Muhamed Toči and Zvonko Šavreski. Members of the Supervisory Board are: Daniela Dabevska, Behixhudin Shehapi and Duška Pehčevska.

On June 18, 2009, the constitutive session of the Steering Board was held. The members elected Muhamed Toči to be the chairperson and Mirjana Najčeska to be his deputy. The office will be in the premises of Polio Plus. Nataša Postolovska was appointed as acting executive director of the Alliance Macedonia without Discrimination.

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