Sustainable Development and Global Justice – Concepts and Strategies of the Civil Society - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Sustainable Development and Global Justice – Concepts and Strategies of the Civil Society PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 30 April 2009 10:40

The sustainable development and global justice were the main issues of discussion at the international conference held in Berlin from April 27 to 29, 2009.

Sustainable Development and Global Justice

The Conference gathered together the representatives of the civil society, churches and politics in Germany and 20 other countries for a debate on the needed structural reforms for overcoming the global, financial, economic and environmental crisis.

Sašo Klekovski from MCIC participated at the conference.

The basis for discussion was the report “Germany Sustainable in the Future”, published in October 2008. The report gives facts and examples and invites for debate – how the countries may creatively overcome the challenges of globalization and how the policies and the society may become sustainable. The main topics of the conference were how to use the current global crisis for changes and transformation, the existing alternatives in the current concept on growth, the important steps for structural changes in the society, the lessons learned from the existing examples and the role of the civil society.

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