Consultations for Various Actors in the Civil Society |
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MCIC founds its general strategy on reinforcing human resources, especially marginalized groups, for participation in the decision making process, strengthening the capacities of the civil society organizations and design of enabling environment for functioning of the civil society. MCIC’ programs contribute to the strengthening of the civil society sector and provide certain level of stability. In its new midterm strategy, MCIC defines the development of the civil society as one of its continuous strategic goals.
MCIC, as in the previous years, was actively involved in the capacity building activities in 2008. The overall goal of the project was developed organizational and institutional capacities of the civil society organizations and other stakeholders in the civil society. The objective of the project was reinforced human resources among the actors of CS in Macedonia. The target group of the project was actors in the civil society, i.e. formal civil society organizations and networks, business sector, political parties, governmental sector and other who require training and consultations. The expected result of the project was: Provided knowledge and skills which contribute to the development of the capacities of the representatives of the civil society organizations and other actors in the civil societies, as well as other to which MCIC will deliver tailored training upon request. The time period of the project implementation was March 1st - December 31st 2008. The activities which were realized in the framework of this project were the following: From March 20th to March 21st 2008 in Skopje the training of trainers for International Centre for Migration Policy Development for 8 participants took place. Moreover, for the requirements of OSCE, more precisely the Subgroup for Monitoring of the Implementation of the Strategy for Fight against Trafficking and Illegal Migration in Republic of Macedonia, an assessment was made of the “National Action Plan for Fight against Trafficking and Illegal Migration in Republic of Macedonia”, during the period of September and November. For the purposes of the Agency for Financial Support to Agriculture and Rural Development, in the period from September 15th to September 17th 2008, a training on “Communication skills” was conducted. The training lasted 3 days and 8 participants took part. In the framework of this project MCIC was requested to deliver several tailored trainings for the purposes of the regional project "Cross-Border Institution Building” (CBIB), financed by the European Commission. Total of 7 trainings on the topic “Preparation of proposal for grant – 2nd IPA component” took place. The trainings were held in Bitola from September 15th to September 16th 2008, whereat 35 participants took part. The training in Skopje took place September 18th – 19th 2008, with total of 25 participants; Banja Lunka 22-23.09.2008 with total of 28 participants, Saraevo 25-26.09.2008 with total of 29 participants, Podgorica 02-03.10.2008 with total of 26 participants, Banja Luka 06-07.10.2008 with total of 24 participants and Mrkonjic Grad with total of 36 participants. During the period of November 26th – 27th 2008, in Ohrid the following training was conducted: “Access to and preparation of applications for EU funds” for the partners of NorwegianChurchAid, for 29 participants. In November 2008 two workshops were conducted on: “Mechanism for gender equality in the local self-government” for partner organizations of OSCE from Tetovo and Kumanovo. Upon request from the foundation Fridrih Ebert Stiftung in Skopje a training was delivered on the topic” “Introduction to the necessary tools for successful media relations, press conference and press release”. Consequently 3 trainings were delivered for the representatives of the municipal organizations of the Social-Democratic Alliance of Macedonia: in the period of 25-26.10.2008 in Strumica with 9 participants, 15-16.11.2008 in Struga with 19 participants and 29-30.11.2008 in Mavrovo with 10 participants. In the periods of 28-29.11 and 12-13.12.2008, upon request from OSCE, a training on communication skills was delivered to the Association of Young Lawyers, Skopje, whereat 8 participants took part. In the period of 29-30.12.2008, upon request from the Jewish Religious Community, Skopje, a training was delivered on the topic administrative working, whereat 14 participants took part. In November 2008, upon request from the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce, it was requested that two activities are to be conducted: “Assessment of the SSKM capacities” and facilitation of the process of “Strategic planning”. The mission for capacity assessment of SSKM started at the end of November and it is expected that the activity will be finalized in January 2009. As for the second activity, the facilitation of the process of strategic planning, it will be implemented from January to March 2009. In the framework of the activities related to public relations, for promotion of tailored trainings and consultations upon request, MCIC published a brochure containing the trainings and consultations delivered by MCIC. Moreover, the trainings delivered by MCIC were uploaded on the web sites of MCIC and Also, the electronic network DATA BANK was used. Furthermore, MCIC promoted its trainings at the event Days of Education. Gonce Jakovleska and Gramoz Shabani, project officers in the Information Department, produced stories/interviews regarding the participants, and the same were published on the MCIC' web site. In order to evaluate the specificities of the conducted training in more accurate and concrete manner, evaluations were undertaken during the realization of the trainings, through the standard questionnaires. According to the date received from these questionnaires the participants assess the standard of the organization of the training as good. Such mark is also given regarding the competence and knowledge of the trainers. The clarity, comprehensiveness and benefits from the contents of the trainings were highly regarded. The budget of the project amounted to total of 234.792,50МКД MKD (direct costs).