The tenets of equality and non-discrimination are the basic elements of the international legal framework with reference to human rights. Despite the fact that Republic of Macedonia had ratified most of the international legal instruments, the state does not possess elaborated strategy for promotion of human rights and freedoms as well as capacity building of civil society organizations and state administration, regarding human rights. The civil society in the country on the other hand is quite fragmented and with low level of activism of the civil society organizations and citizens on issues related to non-discrimination. At the beginning of the year, within the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, a working group was formed responsible for preparation of a general Law on Non-Discrimination. The civil society organizations have their own representatives in this body.
The overall goal is further development of supportive environment for equal opportunities of all people, i.e. non-discrimination in Macedonia. The objective of the project was improved coordination and joint activities of the civil society organizations and state institutions with aim of promotion of equal opportunities and non-discrimination as well as capacity building thereof. The target group is civil society organizations and representatives from the bodies of the state administration. The target area is Republic of Macedonia.The project implemented the following results: established informal civic coalition for non-discrimination (Macedonia without Discrimination); held seven coordination meetings of the coalitions; held two trainings for the civil society organizations wherein more than 40 participants took part; strengthened capacities of the state institutions, such as the office of the Ombudsman, through realization of three trainings and one training on non-discrimination for journalists.
The project consisted of two main activities:
- Establishment of civil society coalition for non-discrimination The coalition for non-discrimination is composed of civil society organizations from the field of non-discrimination and human rights: ADI, HDZR “Mesecina”, HOPS options for healthy living, Shelter Center, SOZM, CHRCR, Polio Plus, MASSO and MCIC. Seven coordination meetings and two trainings were held. The meetings were used for discussion of the need for coalition and its status with reference to the legal form. A draft statute of the coalition was prepared which is reviewed by the organizations partners in the programme. Polio Plus was selected as the host organization of the Secretariat of the coalition, and at the same time it is responsible for updating of the web site
- Capacity building of the civic coalition for non-discrimination From June 10th to June 12th in Skopje, an introductory training for non-discrimination was held. At the training representatives from the partner organizations took part, as well as other interested organizations and representatives from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy took part. Total number of participants was 22. Trainers were Mirjana Najcevska and Bekim Kadriu. The advanced training on non-discrimination was held from October 14th to October 16th in Skopje. At the training 19 participants took part from the partner organizations who have already participated at the introductory training on non-discrimination. Besides the local expert Mirjana Najcevska, in order to share the experience from other countries, Katrin Vladach from the Boltzman Institute from Vienna took part. From December 10th to December 12th a training on non-discrimination for journalists took place in Mavrovo. National and part of local media were invited (written and electronic) for participation of one of their journalists. 11 journalists took part at the training. Trainers were Mirjana Najcevska and Safer Balazi from the Center for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution.
- Capacity building of state institutions Part of the project foresaw capacity building of state institutions. The focus of the support was the institution Ombudsman. Three trainings were held on: “Public Relations”, conducted by the trainers: Gonce Jakovleska and Marina Tuneva from May 14th to May 16th in Skopje; “Project Cycle Management”, conducted by Dimce Mitreski from May 30th to June 3rd in Skopje and training on “Advanced Management”, implemented by Aleksandar Krzalovski and Mike Zajderdajn (MDF Holland) from October 29th to October 31st in Skopje.
The assumptions which influenced on and contributed to achievement of the project results were: interest for mutual cooperation of the civil society organizations and interest for increase of the level of capacity of organizations and institutions.
The activities were conducted in coordination with the included civil society organizations.
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