Modernisation of Education Projects - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

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Modernisation of Education Projects

In the period from 2007 to 2015 MCIC with financial support from Socotab Switzerland and its partners successfully completed 20 shares for renovation of rural primary schools, from pre-selected municipalities where mostly oriental tobacco is grown.

General objective is improved learning conditions and work for students and staff in primary schools.

The aim is, the conditions in primary schools are at acceptable standards in accordance with the size and needs of the school.

The activities include: Development of technical documentation and its revision; Preparation of the entire documentation for support and funding of projects; Development and implementation of tenders for selection of contractors and professional supervision; Coordination and cooperation with all stakeholders; Observation and monitoring of the works; Reporting (current and final) and evaluation.

The target group are students and staff in primary school.

All projects are realized in close cooperation with representatives of municipalities, primary schools and Sokomak.


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