Annual Steering Group Meeting 2007 - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Annual Steering Group Meeting 2007 PDF Print E-mail

The Balkan Network for Civic Society Development originates from the three-year cooperation (2001-2003) of 13 organizations from the Balkan region, within the Capacity Building Network managed by MCIC. BNCSD was established by 11 member organization (the Secretariat was in MCIC), which drafted the programme for the period 2004 – 2007.

The overall objective of the programme is to strengthen the individual and organizational capacities of the relevant civil society organizations on the Balkans and to enhance the cooperation in the following areas: EU funds, lobbying and advocacy, fund raising and standards/codes for training and consultancy in the Balkan context.

The project purpose is capacity building of the member organizations.

The project was comprised of one activity - the annual meeting of the Steering Group. The meeting of BCSDN partners took place from 15 to 17 June, 2007 on the Croatian island Brioni. The meeting was hosted and chaired by the partner organization EOS from Croatia. The Steering Group was established at the beginning of the program, enabling the member organizations to give their contribution in running the programme. It has an advisory role and gives its opinion on the achievements in the pervious year as well as suggestions for realization of the future activities. The principle of partner participation also refers to providing own funding for participation at the meetings. Eight representatives of the members organizations from 7 different countries participated at the meeting. They discussed the achievements in 2006 and coordinated the activities for 2007. One of the most important conclusions was the definition of specific steps for future cooperation and networking after the finalization of the programme, the future work of the network and specific actions/activities on EU issues (initiative was raised to prepare situation report on the role of civil society against EU). The minutes and the photos of the meeting were published on the internet site.

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