Daniela Stojanova - Trainer - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Daniela Stojanova - Trainer PDF Print E-mail

Daniela Stojanova, Trainer/ConsultantDaniela Stojanova, Trainer/Consultant
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Daniela Stojanova has 15 years of working experience (volunteering, activism and professional work) in the civil society organizations in Republic of Macedonia. In 1995 she became a member of the first team of Macedonian trainers, educated by the Regional Environmental Center (Hungary) and the Institute for Sustainable Communities (USA). She attended 3 months training in 1997 about work in civil society organizations. Thereat, she finished 20 modules on basic and advanced level training in organizational and institutional development of civil society organizations and other topics. Since then she has delivered many trainings for civil society organizations in Macedonia. She also regularly attends trainings within and outside Macedonia for the purpose of upgrading her knowledge and experience. Having in mind her significant experience in the Ecologists’ Movement of Macedonia, and subsequently with the management of the secretariats of the Southeastern European Environmental NGOs Network –SEEENN (2001-2004) and the Civic Platform of Macedonia (2004-2006), her strongest field of training topics is networking. Since 2005 she started to up-grade her knowledge and to deliver trainings and consultations on mobilization of resources/financial sustainability. She has also delivered several trainings for communication skills and public relations (media). Daniela possesses theoretical knowledge and experience from the everyday work.

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