Both NATO and Macedonia - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

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i-makedonija-i-natoBoth NATO and Macedonia was a campaign that took place in 2008. The idea behind the campaign was affirmation of the endeavours made by Republic of Macedonia for EU and NATO membership. Macedonia has been making significant progress in reforms and development of its EU and NATO relations.

Macedonia and its citizens have achieved agreement on the need for its membership to EU and NATO. Macedonia, however, has the right for self-identification which cannot be disputed.

From the highest state institutions the campaign demanded the level of national consensus to be preserved and the process of searching for joint solution to be continued.

Greece should declare its respect for Macedonia by stating it accepts the ethnic Macedonian identity in Macedonia, Macedonian culture and Macedonian language.

Today NATO, tomorrow EU, Macedonia forever.

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