Dimče Mitreski - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

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Димче МитрескиDimče Mitreski, Head of Department
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+389 2 3088 998

Born on November 5, 1962 in Prilep. Works in MCIC since 1994. He is part of the middle management and responsible for managing the Development Department. Previously, acted as Secretary for Sport and Social Policy in the Students’ Union of the University “Ss. Kiril and Metodij”. Actively involved in capacity building of the local self-government in Macedonia through development and delivery of training. His key qualifications are: Projects and Programmes Management, Monitoring and Evaluation of Projects and Programmes, Strategic Planning, Action Plans for Local Economic Development, Drafting Projects and Access to Donors. Mitreski has built and continues to build strong relations with the municipalities and the national organizations of municipalities (ZELS, ADKOM, AFO). Coordinated a network of twenty-two civil society organizations working in the field of humanitarian aid during the Kosovo refugee crisis in 1999. He has extensive experience in the field of water supply and sanitation of communities in Macedonia. Since 2004, he works on upgrading his experience, by providing his consulting services for drafting several strategic documents. With new experience in the reform strategy for communal development and reconstruction of the schools, he has upgraded his capacity as a expert for municipality development and development of public services. Currently, he is the coordinator of the programs: Forums in the municipalities, Water supply and Modernization of the education.

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