ОA reflection of the degree of democracy in a society is the ability of the State to consistently enforce the rule of law and the principles of good governance. Although the Constitution, laws and numerous international documents ratified by Macedonia provide for a reliable and fair legal framework, a key problem is the inconsistent compliance with the laws and their enforcement. There are many factors for this, but the main ones include corruption, weak and politicized public administration, and ineffective judicial institutions. Despite this obvious and frequently pointed out factors, the non-systematic participation of the citizens (and civil organizations) in the creation of public polices, especially in policies that determine the main social priorities. Additional, there is a frequent demand from Republic of Macedonia to comply the rule of law with the European standards, and corruption to be thoroughly investigated in order to be adequately prevented and suppressed.
The overall program goal is democratic Macedonia free of corruption.
The specific program objective is to inform and educate CSOs and citizens on how to hold State institutions accountable thus contribute to increasing their integrity.
The program target group is the entire population in Macedonia. Direct users are the civil society organizations from Macedonia and countries from the region (Southeast Europe), state administration bodies, media and the public. The target area is the whole territory of republic of Macedonia, and part of the activities have regional character, i.e. target countries from Western Balkans and Turkey.
Expected program results are:
- Conducted in-depth analysis of the state of affairs and dynamics regarding corruption;
- Enhanced capacity of the civil society in the country to fight corruption;
- Developed mechanisms for civic monitoring of policies;
- Raised awareness of the general public about the state of corruption in Macedonia.
Activates that will be implemented:
1.1. Implementing the Corruption Monitoring System (CMS); 1.2. Anti-corruption Policy Forum; 1.3. Working groups for developing action plans for problems identified in the analysis;
2.1. Enchaining the capacities of the civils society for fight against corruption; 2.2. Developing a frame for cooperation and networking of the civils society organizations in the fight against corruption; 2.3. Participation in regional platform for fight against corruption;
3.1. Monitoring the openness of the institutions - Government Mirror; 3.2. Corruption risk assessment (CRA); 3.3. Reports on specific corruption topics developed by the CSOs trained for monitoring according to CMS; 3.4. Monitoring State budget spending;
4.1. Informative events on specific sectors/problems identified in CAR; 4.2. Raising awareness of the citizens about corruption; 4.3. Motivation of media for writing stories on corruption.
The program will provide several products, for example: report on the situation and dynamics of corruption in Macedonia, action plans for specific actions in the fight against corruption, training for monitoring corruption, action plan of the network of civil society organizations the common fight against corruption, a report on assessment of risk of corruption of institutions, website for transparent budget, website to raise awareness of the "price" of petty corruption, campaigns for raising public awareness on corruption, etc.
MCIC will implement the program in partnership with The Institute for Democracy „Societas Civilis“ Skopje (IDSCS), Association For Democratic Initiatives (ADI) and Transparency Macedonia (TM).
The implementation period is January 1, 2013, the - 30 April 2016
Most of the needed financial funds are provided by USAID (84, 5%). Funds for co-financing are provided by the European Union and organizations involved in the program.
The budget is MKD 32.372.000.
Тековни проекти: