Valentina Čičeva - Consultant - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

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Valentina Čičeva, Consultant/TrainerValentina Čičeva, Consultant/Trainer
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Born on February 28th 1969 in Skopje. Graduated at the Faculty of Technology and Metalurgy in Skopje, Department for Basic-Polimer Organic Engineering, whereas in 2008 she graduated at the Economic Institute in Skopje, department for financial management. She is a trainer in the Civil Society and Democracy Department of MCIC, since 2000. Her main fields of expertise are: Administrative and office working, Facilitation skills, Training of trainers, Effective meetings and workshops, Institutional development and organizational strengthening and Project cycle management. Ms. Čičeva has particular skills in employing various trainers’ and presentation techniques whereby the participation of the participants in the process of learning is assured. She has experience in provision of training for various target groups: Ethnic minorities, women, young, people with disabilities, civil society organizations, local self-governments, associations of farmers and entrepreneurs.

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