Dimče Mitreski - Consultant - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Dimče Mitreski - Consultant PDF Print E-mail
Dimče Mitreski, Consultant/TrainerDimče Mitreski, Consultant/Trainer
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He was born on November 11th 1968 in Prilep. He has been in MCIC since 1994. As part of the MCIC’ middle management he is responsible for the management of the Development Department. As a consultant he is actively involved in the capacity building of the local self-government in Macedonia, through, predominantly, development and implementation of training and facilitation at workshops. His key qualifications are the following: Project and programme cycle management; Monitoring and evaluation of projects and programmes; Strategic planning; Action plans for local economic development; Formulation of projects and access to donors. Mr. Mitreski has built strong relations with the municipalities and national organizations of municipalities, as well as the Association of the Local Self-Government Units (ZELS) and the Association of Providers of Utility Services in Macedonia (ADKOM). During 2004, he was active in training delivery for Project cycle management, organized by ZELS for all 123 municipalities in Macedonia. Moreover, Mr. Mitreski has taken active part in consulting missions for production of several strategic documents, such as Strategy for local economic development (LED) for the municipalities of Stip and Karbinci (2004); Strategic plan for local development of the municipality of Gostivar (2006); Strategy and action plan for reforms of the public utility enterprises (2008); Strategy for development of tourism in the Osogovo cross-border region (2008). As of 2007, he has been actively involved in the realization of OSCE Capacity Building Programme, particularly pertaining to capacity building of the local civil society organizations located in Kumanovo and Tetovo, as well as in the programme “Active Citizenry”, intended for the local neighbourhood units in the regions of Kumanovo, Skopje and Tetovo.
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