Gonce Jakovleska - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

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Гонце ЈаковлескаGonce Jakovleska, Executive director
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Born on July 13, 1969 in Radoviš. Graduated at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University in Belgrade, whereas presently she is enrolled at the postgraduate studies on communicology at the Institute for Sociological, Political and Judicial Research in Skopje. She has been MCIC’s public relations officer since 1996. Her key qualifications are public relations, namely: мedia communication, promotion through informative editions and use of new technologies, consultations and training delivery on public relations and communication skills, facilitation of events and processes. She was a part of the theam that organizes the NGO Fair – Civil Society Forum in Macedonia and MCIC’s campaigns: Whole is when there is everything, I live here, Say OK to MK, Next to Each Other – Different but Equal etc. She is co-author of several research reports of MCIC in the area of social responsibility of citizens.

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