Trust in Macedonia 2010 - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Trust in Macedonia 2010 PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 14 February 2011 09:42

Authors: Sašo Klekovski, Emina Nuredinoska, Daniela Stojanova
Date: December 2010
ISBN: 978-608-4617-08-2
PDF:   trust-in-macedonia-2010.pdf

Довербата во Македонија 2010The trust in people, in institutions and in the civil society is an important prerequisite for the inclusion of citizens in the civil society organizations. It is one of the factors that have an influence on the socio-cultural environment in which the civil society organizations are active. In addition, MCIC is committed to „fact-based planning (and advocacy) “. For that reasons, as of 2010, MCIC has been conducting surveys on the trust, but also on views and knowledge that citizens of the Republic of Macedonia have about the civil society organizations.

This Report presents the findings from the fourth survey conducted in December 2010 on a national representative sample. The first three surveys were conducted in 2006, respectively 2007 and 2008, and the findings were presented in the research reports. This year Report also presents several indexes for monitoring trust that will facilitate the trend analyses. A change was made by presenting the level of trust both in the institutions and in the civil society on ethnic ground and on political party’s followers.

We believe that with the periodical repetition of the Report and facilitated monitoring of the trust trends in the Republic of Macedonia, we have improved the usability of this Report.

MCIC believes that the “Trust in Macedonia” Report will be useful both for the civil society organizations and for all other stakeholders of the society.

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