Boris Ristovski - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

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Борис РистовскиBoris Ristovski, Web and Social Media Officer
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+ 389 2 3088 972

Born on June 28th 1983 in Skopje. Works as Web and Social Media Officer at MCIC, working on web development and social media presence. Holds a Bachelor degree in Internet and Mobile Technologies and Master degree in Communications and New Media. Since year 2006, he works on development and maintenance of numerous interactive web sites used by the broader public. Develops web services based on the concept of crowdsourcing and crowdmapping. In the field of web design: creation of templates for Joomla/Wordpress and UI design. Responsible for Social media marketing, online promotion and activism. Delivers training on the topic of new technologies, social media tools and internet marketing. Performs quantitative researches about internet and social media presence.

Author of several publications:

  • Internet presence of the candidates during 2013 local elections
  • Crowdsourcing - a new outsourcing concept and its utilization in the model of Crowdmapping used for online geo-mapping of information
  • Use of social media by Civil Society Organizations in the Republic of Macedonia
  • Internet presence of the political parties during 2011 parliamentary elections
  • Analysis of the tertiary sub-domains in the secondary '' sub-domain
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