Organizational Development of the Civil Society Actors - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Organizational Development of the Civil Society Actors PDF Print E-mail

Organizational Development of the Civil Society ActorsThe overall objective of the program is to contribute for development of effective civil society that will address the priority societal needs and will initiate and make changes in the society.  The project purpose is to develop the organizational and institutional capacities of the civil society organizations and other actors of the civil society.

Results that are expected to be achieved by the Program are:

  • enhanced human resources in the civil society organizations in Macedonia
  • enhanced organizational capacities of the civil society organizations
  • assessing the possibility for opening a training centre

The project activities can be divided in two groups: regular and tailored. The instruments for their realization are: training sessions, consultation and research.

The target group is comprised of the actors in the civil society i.e. formal and informal civil society organizations and networks as well as the actors of the trade unions, religious communities and others.

MCIC is fully responsible for the project implementation.

The funding will be provided by the DanChurchAid (DCA), the Evangelical Church Aid (Evangelische Zentraslstelle fur Entwicklungshilfe - EED) and the own contribution of the participants.




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