Address Book of Churches, Religious Communities and Religious Groups in Macedonia - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Address Book of Churches, Religious Communities and Religious Groups in Macedonia PDF Print E-mail

Editor: Dervisa Hadzic-Rahic
Date: 2009

Адресар на црквите, верските заедници и религиозните групиThis is the second edition of the Address Book of Churches, Religious Communities and Religious Groups in Macedonia. This publication is part of the Bridging Religions in Macedonia program, which is implemented by the Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation (MCIC) in cooperation with the Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOC), the Islamic Religious Community of the Republic of Macedonia (IRC), the Catholic Church (CC), the Jewish Community in the Republic of Macedonia and the United Methodist Church as well as the other registered religious communities.

The purpose of the Address Book is to enhance the dissemination of information about the churches, religious communities and religious groups in the general public in Macedonia, as well as to improve the cooperation among the religious communities.

The second edition of the Address Book includes basic information of the 17 registered religious communities (contact information, structure, highest clerical titles, type and number of religious facilities, religious ceremonies, religious teachings), as well as photos depicting the seat and the most important religious facilities. The religious communities in the Address Book are presented following the same order as in the first edition of this publication released in 2004.

We hope that this edition will be widely used by the educational institutions with interest in the religious issues, as well as the domestic and international civil society organizations interested in human and religious rights.

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