Emina Nuredinoska - Trainer - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Emina Nuredinoska - Trainer PDF Print E-mail

Emina Nuredinoska, Trainer/ConsultantEmina Nuredinoska, Trainer/Consultant
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Born on April 16th 1974 in village Zirovnica.  Graduated at the Faculty of Law in Skopje in 1997. She also holds master’s degree on International Law - topic “Freedom of Association as human rights in the democracy”, from the Law Faculty “Justinian 1” in Skopje. She has been employed in MCIC since 2001 and has seven years of experience in building organizational capacities through consultations and training. Her key qualifications are the following: Consultations in the area of legal and fiscal framework for civil society organizations, inclusion in policy design and promotion of civil society sector in the public; consultations and training delivery on advocacy and lobbying; good governance and policy making as well as facilitation of events and processes.

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