Bulletin for the inter religious cooperation
The Bulletin is a joint publication of the religious communities, covering topics of the everyday activities and events of the religious communities, the important celebrations as well as events promoting the inter-religious dialogue. The articles are prepared by the students from the Orthodox Faculty and the Faculty of Islamic Studies as well as members of the Catholic Church, the Jewish Community and the United Methodist Church.

The first edition was published in March 2004. So far 12 editions have been released; 500 copies are published in Macedonian, 300 in Albanian, while some issues have been also translated in English.

The Bulletin is distributed to the religious communities, the theology faculties, the foreign and local civil society organizations, the Universities and the other state institutions, media and the Committee for Relations with the Religious Communities in Macedonia.

Cover of The Bulletin

Bulletin for Inter-religious Cooperation No. 1
Bulletin for Inter-religious Cooperation No. 2
Bulletin for Inter-religious Cooperation No. 3
Bulletin for Inter-religious Cooperation No. 4