Address Book of the Religious Communities
In 2004, MCIC in cooperation with the religious communities has published the Address Book of the religious communities. The Address Book was published in 700 copies in Macedonian language and 300 copies of an abridged version in Albanian and English language each. It contains basic information on all registered churches and religious communities in Macedonia (office address, contact data, name of the leader and members of highest bodies, type and number of religious facilities, educational facilities, publications and newsletters, humanitarian organizations etc.). This publication allowed better and faster communication among the clergy of the different religious communities.
The only criterion for the religious community to be included in the Address Book was to be registered in the Committee for Relations with the Religious Communities. The Committee administers a register enlisting 25 religious communities.

The Address Book covered 23, out of 25 religious communities, registered in the Committee for Relations with the Religious Communities, under the Law on religious communities and religious groups (Official Gazette 37/1997-1426). Taking into consideration that one of the two religious communities, which are not included in this catalogue, has not updated the data since the initial registration, and the other one seeks re-registration in order to get status of citizens’ association, we may say that the Address Book has provided hundred-percent coverage.

The Address Book was distributed to the religious communities, local and foreign civil society organizations, embassies and consular offices, media, educational facilities and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia. The new edition of the Address Book is expected in mid-2008.

Address book of the Religious Communities