Exchange Lectures
The exchange lectures were organized for the students of theology faculties (the Orthodox Theology Faculty and the Faculty for Islamic Science) in order to learn more about the other religions. Professors of the Islamic Faculty were guest lecturers at the Orthodox Faculty and vice versa, teaching the students on the main features of Islam and Orthodoxy. In addition, lectures in Catholicism, Protestantism and Judaism were delivered by specialized lecturers.

In the period from 2003 to 2007, total of 26 exchange lectures were organized, covering 590 students.

The lectures incited the interest of the students, who were debating and asking questions related to the topics. The high interest has made the classes to last two hours, instead of the planned 45 minutes. The interest of the students was monitored through questionnaires, in which they emphasized that they were really interested in these lectures, as they had an opportunity to learn something more and get familiar with the other religions.


– Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation
MOC – Macedonian Orthodox Church
OTF – Orthodox Theology Faculty
IRC – Islamic Religious Community
– Faculty of Islamic Science
CC – Catholic Church
– United Methodist Church
– Jewish Community in the Republic of Macedonia