Renovation of Elementary School in v. Dobusevo |
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In October 2006, Sokotab Frana SA from Switzerland contacted MCIC for possible cooperation on realization of a project for renovation of the elementary schools in Republic of Macedonia. During 2007, MCIC realized this cooperation and successfully implemented projects for renovation of the sanitary sewer in two elementary schools (in v. Dolno Kolicani and v. Dobrusevo). This year, Sokotab renewed its financial support for additional renovation of the same schools.
The school object (building) in the v. Dobrusevo was built in 1966 and ever since then not a single larger renovation has been made. One of the bigger problems represented the internal electric installations, the walls, floors and ceilings. As a response to the challenges to the social cohesion and poverty reduction, urgent measures were required in order to improve the conditions in the elementary education. The overall goal of the project was improved conditions for studying and work of the pupils and staff in the elementary schools. The objective of the project was to bring the conditions in the classrooms and other internal facilities in the elementary school of Brothers Miladinovci in line with acceptable standards, according to the size and construction of the school. The target group of the project was pupils and employees from the elementary school Brothers Miladinovci. Direct beneficiaries were 112 pupils and 18 members of the school’s staff. The target area of the project was rural, i.e. the project was implemented in the v. Dobrusevo, in the municipality of Mogila (region of Pelagonia). The achieved result of the project is reconstructed classrooms and other working facilities in the object (school building) of ES Brother Miladinovci. The realized activities through which this result was achieved were the following: Production of technical documentation and its audit; Preparation and implementation of tender for selection of contractor; Production of the overall documentation for support and financing of the project with which the reconstruction of the electric installation, internal walls, floors and ceilings was determined, Selection of experts for monitoring; Coordination and cooperation with all included stakeholders; Monitoring and review; Reporting (interim and final) and evaluation. The reconstruction was realized in accordance with the foreseen tempo, without any significant problems and difficulties. The experts review in close cooperation with the school’s representative and municipality of Mogila, reviewed and coordinated all performance issues, on daily basis and with high quality. The works, financed by MCIC, were completely finalized as of September 14th 2008, whereas the technical reception of the reconstructed object was performed on September 21st 2008, before the representatives of the ES, municipality, local neighborhood, MCIC, the contractor and review body. At the end of November, the representatives from the top management of Sokomak Bitola, visited and reviewed the achieved results, on the basis of which they expressed their pleasure from the approach and quality of the realization of the project. The time period of project implementation was June 1st – November 15th 2008. Assumption on the level of objectives are: the pupils and staff appropriately and correctly use the electrical infrastructure, and physical damages to floors and walls are minimum; and on the level of results: the school maintains the renovated facilities and provides required hygienic equipment for their maintenance. The cooperation with Sokomak and Sokotab was excellent and provides an opportunity for further enlargement. MCIC was responsible for the implementation of the project and the decision making, The activity was undertaken by a team of MCIC employees, together with the representatives from the municipality of Mogila, ES Brother Miladinovci, LN of v. Dobrusevo, as well as required external associates (review body, contractor, experts and etc.). During the project implementation MCIC performed monitoring and review of the project activities. For the purpose of control of the building a professional civil engineer was engaged, who provided excellent monitoring of the construction, i.e. provided appropriate technical control of the reception. The reporting to the donor was interim and final, after the completion of all foreseen activities. The direct costs of the project amount to 2.933.622,00 MKD and all funds are donation from Sokotab Frana Sa from Switzerland ( and Philip Morris.