Macedonian Social Values Print
Friday, 13 May 2011 11:04

Authors: Saso Klekovski, Aleksandar Krzalovski, Daniela Stojanova
Data: May, 2011
ISBN: 978-608-4617-22-8
PDF:   macedonian-societal-values-2011.pdf

Македонски општествени вредностиThis report analyses the finds of the survey "Macedonian Social Values", conducted for the first time on a national representative sample of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia. Part of the questions in this survey were asked in 2007 and 2008, i.e. 2009, within the surveys of confidence and social responsibility of the citizens.

The goal of the survey was to examine the views of the citizens on the significant issues that influence the socio-cultural context in which the civil society works.

The following variables were covered by the questionnaire in order to fulfill the goals of the research: Values in general; Freedom and Equality; Non-violence; Solidarity; Democracy; Tolerance and Respect for Other Cultures; Relation to the Nature; Relation to the Traditional/Secular Values and Socio-Demographic Characteristics.

MCIC engaged the agency Rating to conduct the public opinion survey which was the basis for this report; the latter was responsible; the later was responsible for the methodological correctness of the survey. The survey was conducted in December 2010 on a representative sample of 1,066 people. The population frame of the sample was people older than 18, and the criteria for the representation were: gender, ethnic affiliation, age, place of living, and regions.
