Our Strategy Print

MCIC Vision Mission StrategyMCIC has completed the first phase of its development.

In the past 15 years, MCIC worked on realization of its strategic goals via programmes in several sectors, partnerships with organizations and target groups, by boosting the cooperation (in the country and on international level) and various forms (instruments/methodologies), including an establishment of the Macedonian Enterprise Development Foundation (MEDF), often breaking the ice in some areas or filling the gaps created by other actors in the development processes. MCIC, in addition to the regular reports and evaluations of its work, in 2004 also conducted an external evaluation to have an insight into its impact, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of its activity. This evaluation set the basis for the strategic orientation process that followed.

This document refers to: analysis and challenges of the outside environment, MCIC’s history, role, vision, mission and long-term objectives, as well as the values, principles and methods on which the MCIC’s work is based.

The document "MCIC - Vision, Mission and Strategy" is drafted on the basis of the existing long-term programme objectives and the guidelines from the several workshops held with the members of the Council, Governance Board and the Executive Office of MCIC.