Balkan Civic Practices no.4 Media Relations - Guide for Civil Society Organisations - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

Balkan Civic Practices no.4 Media Relations - Guide for Civil Society Organisations PDF Print E-mail

Author: Kristina Plavsak-Krajnc
Date: 2007

Прирачник за граѓански организации - Односи со медиумиCivil society organisations (CSOs) have more or less diverse experiences with media and journalists, our various activities, projects and efforts are often ignored, poorly understood or falsely presented. As could be deducted from numerous discussions with various CSOs from Slovenia and the Western Balkan countries, many have similar remarks, complaints and fears about the media.

This textbook attempts to address most common questions, doubts and misconceptions about the media, while communicating and working with them. It is based on notes prepared for the workshops on Media relations for CSOs held in Tirana (Albania), 8-10 February 2007 and in Novi Sad (Serbia), 1-3 March 2007. Thus, the textbook includes valuable feedbacks, rich experience and illustrative case studies given by the participants of the workshops in the Western Balkan countries.

Although this textbook should serve to CSOs in the region as a “first aid” and a basic equipment for their media work, it does not pretend to offer a universal recipe or a magical formula, for how to come on the first newspaper pages or among the first minutes of the main television news. When working towards efficient and qualitative media relations, CSOs in the region should rely on creativity, innovation, flexibility, openness and enthusiasm, all of which is already prove by their projects, initiatives, everyday work and efforts.

The introductory chapter talks about the relevance of media and media relations for CSOs. The second chapter introduces specific character and functioning of the media – their logic, rules and ways. The third chapter gives suggestions on how to communicate with the media and organise CSOs media work. It presents some tools and techniques of media relations – press release, press conference, interview and media events.


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