Mentorship - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

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Mentorship is a process of provision of support and counsel to an individual or organizations in order to enable them to find ways of improving their operations.

Mentorship may be directed at improvement of all aspects of organizational working: internal organizational processes, management with resources, communication and employees’ relations, team work, leadership, communication and relations with partners and clients, setting goals, annual planning, strategic planning, etc.

The overall goal of the process of mentorship is improvement of the organizational effectiveness and efficiency, through enrooted processes of organizational learning and established new innovative approaches in operations.

The process of mentorship is implemented in the organizations demanding this type of consultations by highly professional, experienced and dedicated team of consultants of MCIC, with practical application of the methodologies that MCIC uses in its trainings.


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