Inter-cultural study - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

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Inter-cultural studyOne of the main issues facing today's society is how to deal with differences? How are we supposed to identify and evaluate cultural differences and promote authentic cultural integration and integrated development at the same time?

Inter-cultural principles are focused on being open to others, with active respect for differences, mutual understanding, active tolerance, non-disputing the existing cultures, providing equal opportunities and the fight against discrimination.

Getting familiar with each other's cultures is a process. This process requires knowing yourself and your origins before you can learn about others. This is a challenging process that includes deeply rooted ideas about what is good and what is bad for the structure of the world and your life. In the process of learning about each other's cultures, feeling the need to stick to those things that are "taken for granted" is questioned. Getting familiar with each other's cultures is a challenge for one's own identity – but it can become a way of life and at the same time a way of enriching one's own identity. Becoming familiar with each other's cultures is an individual process, and it is basically connected with the issue of how to learn to live together and how to learn to live in a diversified world. If understood this way, getting familiar with each other's cultures is a starting point for a peaceful life together.


  • Culture and inter-cultural study concepts;
  • Identity;
  • Stereotypes and prejudices;
  • Inter-cultural study in practice (minorities, cultural minorities, cultural diversities, inclusion versus discrimination, exclusion, lack of tolerance, social cohesion);
  • Human rights.
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