Goran Stamatoski - Macedonian Center for International Cooperation

Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка - МЦМС

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Goran StamatoskiGoran Stamatoski, Junior Project Assistant
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+389 2 3065 381

Goran Stamatoski is born on 29.10.1989 in Bitola. So far is undergraduate on the Institute of Ethnology with Anthropology, with interests in social aspects of material and spiritual culture. While studying he gains with several volunteering/ working experiences. Though the NGO “CreACTive” and Voluntary Center-Skopje is engaged in the annual voluntary team in the areas of coordination of foreign volunteers in Skopje; On the project “Revitalization of souvenir craftmanship” lead by Museum of Macedonia and Ministry of Culture he is engaged as associate for sales and promotion of authentic replicas of archeological findings. As a volunteer in MCIC was engaged in the autumn 2014, assisting on the programme “Community Forums” and other administrative tasks. At the moment is working as Junior project assistant, on the project “Community Actions”.


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